Sent by Pravina 13/11/12 21st November 2012

Thought during Diwali: It is during these auspicious days that we most miss our dear departed. Most recently Babubhai and Savita bhabhi and Jayshree, Ba and Bapuji. Our hearts are heavy yet we can reflect with pride on what they did for us. They were the pillars of the extended family. They devoted and sacrificed their life to make ours more happy and full filling. They were the pioneers of the development of the nation of Kenya. They left behind a legacy that they can be proud of and know that they laid the foundation and passed on the wisdom that the next generation can take forward with strength. So here is a salute to our dear departed as we welcome the new year. We miss you but shall always cherish the great moments we had together. Bena n Dilip Priyal, Suraj and Sagar